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how to make my presentation more presentable and eye watching

Firstly, i must make sure that i have prepared my presentation properly. It's mean i prepared in the aspect of the physical and mental. what i mean with physical aspect is i must look at a proper dress up. even thought the presenter did not have a good looking but if the presenter have a proper dress up it also can make sure that the audience will be attract to hear what the presenter want to present.the important thing is the presenter able to attract the audience with thier characteristic such as use the ability to ask the audience whether is they have something that they did not understand or i also can give the reward to the audience if they can answer the question you ask. by this way you can make sure that the audience will pay attention what are you try to present and when you communicate with the audience, it will make the audience not bored with your presentation.

next is mental of the presenter, the presenter must not show the all the negative emotion such as nervous. when the presenter show the bad emotion it can cause the audience not in mood to hear your presentation and the audience maybe can make a distraction such as making noise  when the presenter present their presentation.

other than that the slide show must also attractive to get the attention from the audience. the slide must be clearly and easy to understand by the audience.the slide show should not to complicated because it will make the slide so crowded.

next is voice projection, the presenter must have a good voice projection. if the presenter did not have a good voice projection, it can make the audience cannot hear what are you present.

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ragam manusia

Ada satu aritu  aku dok sorg2 kt dlm blik maklum la housemate rmai yg blik. yg tgl kt uma time 2 adala dlm 5 or 6 org je. Tgh aku dok sorg2 kt blik 2 aku terfikir plak manusia nie mcm2 ragam  tp bg aku xkesah la coz stiap manusia ada perangai masing2. sbb tu la yg mmbuatkan idop kte berwarna warni sbb dgn adany org yg pelbagai ragam. law smua org ada perangai yg sama xbez la plak. kang idop kte pn menjadi mendatar je. tp dlm byk2 ragam manusia aku paling bnci kalau org tu pnting kn diri sndri. Nie bkn ape la. aku kadang2 tgk org 2 pntingkn diri sndri xkne tmpt. die cuma pk psl diri die je sbb tu nme die pntingkn diri sndri. hihihi.. bg aku xslh law nk pnting kn diri sendri. tp bia la kne dgn tmpt dan keadaan time nk wt RAGAM 2.aku sndri pn kadang2 pntingkn diri sndri gak. aku ngaku tp xdalah smpai xpk psl org len lgsung. nie bkn nk puji diri sndri tp pndai2 la korg nilai diri aku nie k. huhuhu.. balik smula cte td aku bg contoh la. org yg pntingkn diri sndri nie mang jht perangai die aku mang tol2 anti org pntingkn diri sndri nie. CONTOHNYA katekan la aku ada ada kwn nie nk mntk tlg ambik die kt bus station coz bru smpai smpai time 2 kt uma cuma ada moto n kete. frst2 aku ok la coz nk p ambik "kwn aku" tu nek moto coz lg cepat leh selit2 law jln jem. tp malangny time 2 ujan turun. law pn time 2 ujan xlbt tp aku ase law aku bwk jgk n cnfirm smpai je kt bus station 2 aku dh bsh kuyup. so aku nie dgn niat baik n tebal muka  p la pnjm kete kwn aku lg sorg coz ujan, xleh la nk merempit time2 mcm nie. korang taw x pe jwpn kwn aku yg 'BERKERETA' tu ckp, la moto kn ada p jela ambik nek MOTO. dgn muka slumber je die bg jwpn 2 kt aku. YAKALLAH time 2 cume tuhan je taw betapa sktny ati aku dgr jwpn yg die bg kt aku. DALAM ati aku ckp ' aku nie lum buta n bodo lg la,aku taw la kt lua tu ada moto tp xnmpk ke UJAN skrg nie'.. aku pn ckp la law xnk bg aku bwk kete 2,bia dia la die sndri yg p ambik coz myb die xbg org len bwk kete die 2. so aku phm la coz tu kereta die n die ada hak nk bg or x. mslhny lps aku ckp mcm 2 die trus wt bodo je. makin menyirap la darah aku time 2. HELLOOOO bdk yg ko nk ambik kt bus station 2 kwn ko jgk k. bknny ko xknl lgsug.. dh knl lme kowt tp leh je die ckp mcm 2. aduhaiii. aku mang xphm la org mcm nie. law aku leh ambik nek moto aku dh lme p ambik la. xdany aku nk p nyusah kn ko k!!!  mslhny time 2 hujan. aku pn terdiam la wt sementara. dalam ati aku berkata2 "law la aku ada kete myb aku pn mcm nie jgk kn, nsb bek la aku nie xda pape mklum la aku nie xda pape aset pn" hihhii.. bsela law org dh senang n xpnh ase ssh mang xkn ase pe yg org ssh ase. myb lum smpai time die ssh sbb tu die leh wt org mcm 2. ALLAH tu maha adil. aku kadang2 bersyukur jgk la law pn aku nie xda aset wt mse skrg nie tp aku still ada sikap PERSAHABATAN n BERTOLAK ANSUR jgk la. setiap pe yg tuhan tentu kn mesti ada hikmahny. so kte ptot la bersyukur dgn ape yg kte ada skrg nie n jgn cpt lpe diri n pntingkn diri sndri. tu je aku nk share dgn korg smua.  trima kasih sbb mmbace. hihihihi

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